^^my very 1st birthday party....my cousin all here wif me...duno who's de gal on my right hand side =p
at port dickson sea side....

de libra starsign were made by my dad...made up by 50cent coin....y libra??cz my mom's starsign were libra..**so sweet**

'i said pick it up do u udst me??'......look fierce huh??actually tis is my real personality...dun thought tat i'm vy good good ar..

love tis picture so much too...so chubby..i feel like pinchin myself too...hahah...

do i look like a doll??taken in Genting when i was 1years old..

hey...i tink i'm quite good in imitation...hahah imitatin daisy duck...

taken aft my kindergarden's concert..i'm actually lookin for my mother down de stage...duno y de one bside me bow so fast...r u in a hurry??

hah~~tis is how i look in plait...look cute??i'm planin to keep long hair again...wat's u guy's opinion??

been wk up by mom to dataran merdeka....wk up too early face abit black....n de shoe....so so lou tou...speechless^^de one in front me is xiu yun zi...my cute little cousin...

taken duno where...in a hotel room i suppose..actually imitatin my cousin cz they hv one photo like tis oso...hahah...whole family like 2 imitate....

2 real best fren when i was in primary sch...bt now i'v lost contact wif mei ling...hope i can meet her once again....those were de day when we were stil so 'leung'.....
hey ur pic all soo soo cute la
keep long hair u look sweet...
aiyo now i oso wanna post up my baby pic very er xin one...
espaecially the kindergarten one....
hey..post up la...u r lookin 4 topic 2 write ma...now i gv u one...muahaha...wait i can find sumore den i'l post up again..lookin 4ward 2 ur childhood pic=)
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