round 6o'clock...i went 1utama for shoppin wif my frenz...n celebrate one of my fren's birthday(ofcz..we din let her no before hand)..when reach thr we went jusco for our thing...thr's so many ppl in it n mk us feel suffocated...we went for our dinner at zuup cafe n ask justin n joshua bring de cake 2 dat place while i bring de birthday gal to buy my favorite baskin robin aiscream...
i tink she's surprise to see dat 2 monkey appear...n v hv our pasta..ais cream...mushroom soup..yum yum so nice....aft de dinner...she was stil blur blur watchin her previous birthday celebration on her de cake was brought in by de waitress..v sang her birthday as she stil look blur there^^hahah...hope u like such little surprise..thou thy hv gave u one on monday....haPpY biRthdAy pretty^^
aft dat...OMG..ate too's time 2 do some exercise...we went to de new arcade for bowlin...aft so long...finally we get to play again...n ofcz...i won again..muahaha....i'v told u those days where u kept winnin is ady a history...=) de 2 monkey on de other hand were playin pool there...since their bowlin skil were jz...erh hmm....^^ysim n stella went shoppin on their own since thy dun wana play...realy njoy this outin wif u all..before goin back we hv took some is it...enjoy=)

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