let's start from de sch...we'v been bz with all de sch activities such as merentas desa..gotong royong..maxporia..exam..sports day..blah blah..it's tiring n exhausting yet we did enjoy de process..n yes first time in my life i joined cheerleadin..it's hard to believ huh??i dun believ it either..anyhow thx to all our yap ah loy's cheerleadin member especially to shwu jiun n rachel..u gals realy did a great job on creatin those steps sorry for lettin u down..

eventually...on de very last day of the year..it's my very first day of work..in shogun japanese reataurant...it's quite tiring..stand for almost 5 hrs..very busy as it's new year eve..but we get to eat free japanese buffet at the end of the day..so it's stil worth it..cz others muz pay rm40++ for it..n we ate for free=) yum yum...
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