we stayed in de restaurant for approx 3 hrs n met wif pui kei...poh xian n others...miss those times when we were workin 2gth...after we satisfied wif our ais cream...we headed to de bowlin alley for pool n bowlin...de pool was realy funny...i was playin pool with rachel,stella n ysim...gosh...by de time we finished a game...justin n joshua had alrd finished 3!!!!so u can imagine how 'good' our skill is...
let's proceed to bowlin den..this is my game!!but..but but.....i duno wat's de heck is goin wrong wif all of them....justin n ysim who oways wash longkang in de past started to strike n spare.....n me?!?!?no strike no spare!!!how can this ever happen?!?!i realy gone mad wif de score..de 2nd round started...seems like de sch champ is back....de 1st roll alrd strike!!!den 4 or 5 spare in a row...aft dat strike again!!!n she is enjoyin herself so much with de score..i'm not dat good but it's better den de 1st game....in de end i got 2nd place....1 point in front of my bro..heheh...
we went for shoppin awhile as rachel was lookin for gifts...de shop was sellin so many cute n beautiful taddy bear bouquet...it's simply adorable n sweet...too bad i dun hv any to buy for or ask from..haha...

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