had been busying like no body's business for the past 2 weeks...rushing 3 assignment in a week and 1 programmin practical which we tk it as a weekly assignment!!! everyone's lack of sleep and looks so exhausted...
thou it's busy, i stil manage to catch up with my frenz for a birthday+farewell party for kher sin..which is jz beside my house^^she is goin to japan soon...well wish u all de best mate!!had alota fun there as we were all makin silly jokes=)

after the party..it's time to back to reality-assignment!!!sittin infront of the pc til dawn...been spendin few weekend like tis T_T well gonna get use to it thou...been told dat 2 or 3 sleepless nite is a very common issue in monash....
messy study table

spendin fewer n fewer time with u...so sorry

heavy and hypnotizability bookz
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