L.O.S.T in the maze
Posted by
on 20 May 2006
life is oways like a maze to me...initially i'm super enthusiastic n faithfull with de path i'm takin...slowly...i realised dat this is a maze!!!i run n run n run yet couldn't find my way out...panic n hopeless conquer all de feeling i have..all i can do is jz stand at the same spot n shout:"I'm LOST!!!!!" however, people around me started to look at me in a very weird expression sayin:"psycho!" n den disappeared from my line of vision...i'v been askin around for the exit of the maze...different people had give me different answers...i'v got confused over their answers n cant differenciate de right n wrong....n i started to doubt every single line they said...i'm so tired...found myself a place to rest..hopin dat de nex day when i open my eyes...there's someone there to lead me out of this maze

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