went for a 3D2N trip to genting with rachel,venetia n yen ling...reached there round 3 n checked in...v stayed in de hotel for a lil rest n went for the mysteria magic show at nite..after de show we met up wif kim wee n gang for de WorldCup--England vs Ecuador....nice to watch footie in public..shoutin all together^^ well at last england won!!nice one...after de match..we went back to de room n started to do our nail art..4 of us had spent bout 3 hours on de finger nails..hahah..kim wee n frens join us at round 3 sth n let us paint their finger nails..hehe..den follow by de card game of kim wee's ass hole game...i'v been de ass hole for so many roundsT_T
de next mornin..we went for de breakfast buffet...honestly not realy nice...den here goes our outdoor games...we went for de flyin coaster...OMG yen ling was shoutin all de way n i was laughin all de way bcz of her!!!i'v no time to shout...we went all de rides...poor rachel had lost her voice and play everythin without makin any noise!!! how sad...after one whole day of the outdoor games..we drag ourselves back to the hotel n rest...at nite wen went out for dinner n yen ling bring venetia out for shoppin to distract her as me n rachel were busy decorating de room with balloons n gifts for venetia..as her birthday is comin...thou is not realy a perfect surprise but hope u like it^^
we would have more enjoy the trip if there weren't any illness...venetia n rachel were not realy feelin well...tink tis 3days was kinda torture for them...get well soon gals..Bukit Tinggi is waitin for us..
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