It's the first day of CNY!'d past 12 so its the second day was your first day people?
It had been quite routine for me. wake up. greet the parents. get angpow. dress up. went both paternal and maternal granny's place. get angpow again. eat. drink. watch tv. gambles. eat. eat. and eat. (ahh...I cannot eat like I have a supermodel body people start commenting that I gained weight! damn!!)
Besides the excitement the angpows bring, I've to carry my laptop around to attack my target for research. man..I need more subjects!! and then I came home trying to start a lil bit on my report..who do report on first day of CNY u tell me? Hence, I only started with title...and then it went straight to the pendrive.
toodles~ Enjoy the CNY friends
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