Photo TAG!! Im getting REAL bored..I suddenly have a brilliant idea (alrite maybe someone out there already did tried before..) I will show some of my baby photos and tag someone else to show theirs on their blog!! and this is the so call photo tag..nyahaha~

so here we go....

Penny at around 1 yr+

Still at the age of 1 yr+

Penny at 4...

Penny at 1+ =p

Alrite alrite........the last one is not me!! I just wana show off my CUTE n EXTREMELY KAWAii niece - Allyson =)
she is as cute as me....wahahaha =D

YOU are tagged:
  1. Venetia Tan
  2. Tan Yen Ling
  3. Tan Ke Xiou (I dun care u hv ur picture with u anot..)
  4. Zhen Yao (somebody plz inform him =p)
  5. Rachel Khoo!!!
p/s: Rachel Chee's not tagged because she already posted some days back....