suppose to be a great day if it wasnt result day today>.<
went shoppin in 1U wif mummy today..planin to buy lotta things so i tink it's a great idea to bring a walkin ATM along..bought 2 top from island shop..2 pair of pants from yishion..n long craving mp3 player!!!bought a soft toy for abner too^^
result's out!!!!arrgghh.....log in n check...i'v failed de management as i'v expected!!!!darn management...i wil never wana take any memorising subject as elective ANYMORE!!!!well..i did quite ok in least it's a credit....n 2 more units were granted deffered accessment..maybe wil be out tmr....**prayin** hope i can jz make it pass...
there's another outin tmr n another one on friday!!!!!!waoh~i'm such a busy lady..dun cha tink so?
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