ello all..suppose to be studyin now but since i haven been typin any entry since the sem start so decided to do lil' update now...hmm wat to talk bout de new sem?!?it's pretty much de same story as de last sem..stil goin to sampus early n rayau..happy rottin in campus most of the time de only different is dat i'v noe more ppl in uni now so even if rachel's havin class i oso wont hv much problem like last sem...ahaha..at least if she wasnt free for lunch i stil hv some one else to go makan with...muahaha...okie enuf for those crap..now it's enterin de 3rd week of the new sem..lectures,tutorial n lab had begun...n not to be forgotten is de darn borin m'sian studies!!!realy shouldnt complain last sem while takin moral studies..at least de lecturer is talkin faster den this one did!!!OMG..i seriously din listen a single word he said....okie..back to the other lectures..tis sem's lecturer are realy 'fun'...let's see how 'fun' it is....
lecturer No.1
let's begin from my first lecture of the week...ENV1800(environmental management)..it's a lady lecturer who are from australia if i'm not mistaken...Dr. Cathy..yea she persist student to cal her Dr. n de assignment v must use our own words even if v cut n paste from de internet she wil surely find out(accordin to her la..she wil cut n paste de whole sentence she suspect n search in googles) OMG..i realy wonderin is she realy so free...well..shud i try n see?!?!hehe...i'l try if i wana fail tis unit la...
lecturer No.2
Mr. Phang--lecturer of our MAT1830(maths for Comp Sc 2)...he is de funniest lecturer out of so many lecturer tis sem...funny in de sense dat he is quite blur while teachin..his typical china man english + abit short tongue kinda speakin is realy funny...he speak " act time y" instead of "x times y".... n oso he cannot pronounce 'v'...like divide he wil pronounce as 'dibide'...ok ok..probably u r sayin i'm so bad laughin at him..but i din mean to do dat...so far i'm stil observin whether anot he can teach..cz sometimes Jon can gv better example den he did...ahaha..well it's better to go after "Dr. Jon" den "Mr. Phang" if i'm hvin problem with my maths...
lecturer No.3
Dr. Leow..our FIT1003(IT n Organization)'s lecturer...he was my maths lecturer for last sem n i tink thru out de whole of last sem he oni can recognize jonanthan...cz he himself oways mk mistake in class n Jon was de only one who can point out his mistake n correct it back...hahah..i was quite surprise when i noe dat he's goin to teach us tis unit as he's a maths lecturer...well anyhow he's holdin our class up to de 7th week..after dat someone else is goin to take over his place...dun ask me y i oso duno..hehe
lecturer No.4
Dr. Ting..lecturer of MKW1120(marketing theory n practise)..he speak manglish...n i feel he's actin young..keep on 'chill man...chill man' thru out the whole 2 hrs lecture...after de class i oso got abit infection from it!!!!so shit-_-" he's abit sissy oso...but well if u compare him wif the perfection's christopher den he is realy abit la...christopher worst!!!!ahaha
i tink dat's all for now..initially plan to update a lil' but i tink tis is pretty much ady..i better get back to study..my supplementary ppr is comin..wish me luck dude...
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