it had been a busy week for me..dun realy have the mood n time to update my dat i'm free i'll try to sum up as much as i can..
9th July
went rachel house and made a blueberry-lemon cheese cake with her since we'v been so free lazyin around at we both decided to make a cake for our's our first time makin so de process is quite kelam-kabut..evaporate milk dat is suppose to be half frozen..doesnt realy half frozen..err quarter frozen maybe...geletine powder wasnt enuf..weighin machine wasnt workin..all de ingredient we mix 2gth was like.."u tink is enuf ar?...put more much is tis?..i duno, cincai la.."^^ well after one afternoon of bustling in de kitchen..finally we'v pour de lemon-cheese mixture onto the half harden biscuit(suppose to be harden)
went home n bathed..went over to uncle tony's hse for dinner..thy bought bak kut teh from klang...honestly wasnt realy nice..i tink de maluri bak kut teh taste nicer^^
world cup final at nite!!!stay up n watched...hopin dat france wil win the title..but god noes wat happen to zidane to use his balded head to knock down de opponent!!!**sigh**italy won the luck!!!!
10th July
picked up rachel in de mornin n went back to maxwell..our ex-high school to pay our teacher a lil' visit..met pn kitty n pass her de cheese cake..she was quite surprise with it^^ n we walked round n round de school jz to look for pn siow!!!couldn't find her anywhere..jz when we were plannin to leav the cheese cake for her in the office...we saw her standin outside de lab!!she was so touched n happy with de cake..after dat..we went straight to the curve to meet up with justin n sim for lunch..damn i'v met a lil accident on de way there...*sigh** well it was a great lunch with them cz haven been catchin up with them for some times..
11th July
went back to uni today..promise to pass some cheese cake to our dear seniors--duttway n presston...forgotted it's de new sem orientation's week n sunway wasn't in holiday...we'v been spendin more den 40 mins to search for a darn parkin lot!!!eventually stil v parked illegal...wat the heck!!!
passed the cake to them n since thy both are not realy free so we just have a lil' chat n departed...went to 1U for our lunch...yeap yeap..barbq plaza again..well din hv lunch there for quite some times so decided to go there..we realy love the vege day u shud try out if u haven..u'll love it!!after a satisfyin lunch..we went for shoppin..surprisingly we manage to get ourselves some top n chain=) headed home happily^^
13th July
went 1U (AGAIN!!!) with rachel (AGAIN?!?!?) well..she's my best mate wat to do??jz dun feel easy if i were to go 1U without her..hahah..went there to meet up with aqel n akmal for a movie today...while waitin we saw someone's dennis!!he is now currently doin business in kdu...realy din meet him in a very long while..hope to have a gatherin or sth wif u guys soon.. we bought the ticket for pirates of the caribbean2 n went burger king for it's literally burger king!!i'm so darn full...pirates of the caribbean..nice show..jack sparrow is so darn cute!!!de way he walk can make me laugh one whole day =D but the story abit tergantung..tis is how thy make u to watch de 3rd part..after's bowlin time..shit..aqel is realy a pro..trash me far far away...n de way akmal played is so cute!!after 2 rounds of bowlin..we break up at the bowlin alley n went for shoppin..get ourself a orange n red cap....n we'v a nice chat when we are havin our smoothies^^realy had a great laugh over wat we were sayin..muahaha~
now here i am writtin this darn post for more den 2 my hand almost chau-gan!!!will be update soon...see ya dude!!!
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