This Week

I'll call it a "meet old friends week"

I love how we can talk about old times, the days we used to share blah blah blah..I know, it's a sign of aging *sigh*

I dunno if the lack of blog entry has anything to do with aging but I just don't find blogging about every little thing in my life interesting anymore. unless there are really something unique/funny/scary/sad/happy that I MUST share with the world, like I'm pregnant wtf..that is a different story altogether. other than that, what is the point of telling you what I did, where I went and who I meet? definitely the effect of aging..

This post is going no where, I should stop here.

p/s: my bffl is coming back! whee~~~~~ *jumping around with joy*


Anonymous said...

Easily I acquiesce in but I think the post should have more info then it has.