Oslo-London, Pre-Daparture

10 days, 6 flights and 2 cities. I shall record it in words so I will not forget those tiny little experience/thoughts I had from this trip (I hope my memory don't fail me)

Departure Day. 4th April 2013

Our flight was at 2320, basically we still went to work in the morning. I took half day off though, cause there are still some last minute packing (as usual) to do. I'm not sure whether it's the excitement, or the weather is really hot that day, I'm like a sweat bucket even right after shower.   

Parents and sister drop us at KLIA around 8ish and stayed around until about 9ish. I was thinking to myself "Okay, for the first time flying in another airlines other than airasia, and it's a long flight, the plane should be big and the seats should be better." and I was partially correct. The plane is big, but the seats are as cram as air asia T_T

Our seats are right infront of the toilet and I got window seat (nothing to be yay of because it was a night flight and it was dark ALL~~~~ the way to Amsterdam) and sit right next to us at the ailse seat was a mat salleh guy. We were feeling sorry for him because he needs to move every time we need to go to the ladies. 

For the first time, 12 hours seem so long. I keep counting how many more hours until we reach Amsterdam and the answer is devastating. At least at that moment, it was. Imagine after 6 hours, I've had my meal (I dunno what should I call that. Supper?) and woke up from my sleep. Yet, there is another 6 hours to go *cry*

Finally, we've arrived at Schipol Airport around 6am local time. We were about 30 minutes behind schedule and our connecting flight to Oslo is in an hour time. We have to went through custom, scan our hand carry again to get to our next flight AND the airport is so BIG~~~ our boarding gate is almost at the other end of our arrival. We ended up running in the airport at 7am in the morning -_- no joke because our flight is at 0730 and we are still not on the plane by 0725. We heard our names being called over the PA system and saying that they will unload our luggage if we are still not there yet. 

Best part is, we were on the travellator and we miss our boarding gate -_-" so we have to run to the end of the travellator and make a U-turn back to the gate. Thank God the airport crew were helpful. When we reach the boarding gate, he was calling our name again and we were shouting "here! here!" LOL and he went "YOU MADE IT!!" hahah 

What an episode. I was so exhausted and I feel asleep right after I board the plane. After about 2 hours, we finally step foot in Oslo.