I is an honest lil girl WTF

I am still in the office working now. and I'm gonna blog bout this weird indian ah pek I met this morning now!

he came in and ask about the ticketing and bought 2 tickets. during the process of issuing the ticket he was chatting with me and asking my name and stuff which I thought it was normal cz most customers asked so too. after another 10 sec, I started to feel that it was not normal at all cz he started to ask very personal questions and that very itchy mouth of mine answered all the questions HONESTLY! *slap mouth* *bang head on wall*

the way he asked you sounded like he planned it before he talk to u
"are u new here? I never see u before"
"yea, I'm new here..and I'm working part time only"
"oh..no wonder..cz I know everyone here" (which is so not true bcz he din even know my colleague who had been working for 6 months there)
"so what do you do full time?"
"erm, I am studying"
"what course?"
"oh..good I was teaching psychology last time.. you and I are gonna be a very good friend"
*me smiling forcefully*
"so where do you study?"
and the story continue...in the end he asked how I go to work, what car I drove and my age, birth month and day! and even talk to me about Horoscope! and he said Taurus goes very well with duno Virgo or Libra (cz he is one of them)
He asked for phone number before he left and I ACTUALLY GAVE HIM!!!! fml
and he actually called! asking to meet up and I was so terrified and din know wat to do so I said we will see how...and he ask "so should I call u up again tmr to confirm?"
I nearly fainted..so I said "no need laa"
he answered "no need arr..Penny u are disappointing me.." WTFFFF?!
I just checked his record of traveling by our bus cz since he said he know everyone here, he should be a regular customer or sth la.....and I nearly pop my eye balls out because the record showed that he only bought 2 tickets so far in our branch which was the 2 tickets I sold him this morning, the rest were in Bangsar =___=

and I officially saved his number as 'Dun Answer!!' in my phone, jz incase he calls again, I will know what to do.

I is gonna quit this job if I meet him again.