friEnDz Out therE

here m i again wif a brand new layout...cant help too many complains on my previous blogskin..sayin tat it's too bright..words 2 small..n even tellin me tat she's lazy 2 click on de bear(-_-lll)
ran out of topic 2 write actually..would like 2 write sth bout my fren out there..i realy appreciate friendship more den anythin at this moment...wil die without fren man...
++laughin mate++
dude..thanx 4 mkin my life more u all so much^^

++sleepin mate++
thanx 4 'lookin after' me durin dat hard's great 2 no u all..

++shoppin mate++
i realy njoy all de shoppin we did..thou i oways got nth..

++study mate++
i appreciate all de work tat u all did 4 me...thanx 4 guidin me!!

++redbox mate++
great singer...njoy my singin time wif u guys..when r v goin again?

++yanzi lover++
hoi hoi..shwu jiun..
hahah...we share de same idol...yanzi roXx

hmm....realy duno wat write's so late now i ought 2 headed 2 bed if u hv any idea or anythin u wana no bout me jz leav me a msg on my taggie i'l post up as soon...that's all 4 nw i suppose...toodle-oo^^


Rachel said...

hey my dear fren
thanks for appreciating our frenship...i really appreciate ours alot too.....
ur presence in my life has made it so much more wonderful.... thanks=)

penny said...

glad 2 no u as my fren too..couldn't express in words how much i luv u...muahaha....promis no matter how bz we r in de future we'l stil be de very best shoppin n laughin mate k??