What we learn in Psychology

some pictures to show you what we learned so far....

Freud ZzzZz Reliability zzZzZ Validity...Research Zzzz WAIS..ZZzz Intelligence....
at the end of the day..we learned how to sleep with our eyes open...
{ok, I was joking...u get that right?}

and we learned to do humiliating things in public...
in this case..squeezing 2 seats with 3 2.5 people...

and we learned to dance too...haha

we also learned how to keep ourselves warm by using body heat..
this can be life saving skill when you get lost in the jungle with friends....
dun pry pry...

we learn how to fully utilise every space of our study table
this was taken when I'm studying for psy testing...
I hate all those journals!!!!

and last but not least...
we learned how to keep ourselves motivated during the darkest period of the semester..