Psychos Meet up

Gathering with Datin Khoo

I hope the next dinner together is not too long away...

p/s: it was a wrong move to stand behind Mr. Lim...see the contrast! =.=


rachelting said...

hahaha... datin khoo pula =.='

hopefully will be soon too!

oh and gosh...its so hard for us lar...cannot stand with sun and now also with yonglong.. huhuhuhuhuuuu...

take care girl! miss ya!

CRZ said...

see...i din go then u all hard to take pictures..otherwise all will stand near me...tsk tsk

penny said...


I like this one...

and excuse me you dare to mention u din go..invite u also never show up wan..haih...

rachelting said...

next time we boycott you only you know...

like ur wedding dinner in future... who knows maybe all of us boycott you n ffk u crz!


BeautyNoter said...

eh rach, tat's not a bad idea eh! haha...

penny said...

what if he din wana invite us at all ar?

CRZ said...


i like dis one...

Aiya i din invite u all will automatically show up wan la...know how to bring own tables and chairs sumore..HAHA

SuNn said...

Yea bring the table and chairs and chase u because you didn't invite us

CRZ said...

HAHAH...wanna play tong sum fong bou issit??

Anonymous said...

but but but rach said i looked fatter Y____Y

CRZ said...

whoaaa gud news mannn!!!...Luckily i din go that day...later she say i obese..HAHAH

penny said...

Oh man, luckily I read this comment at home not in public..I literally LOL reading it

u can consider to be a comedian.. Russel peter will call u sifu