Another random..

Class started 2 weeks usual assignments is filling up the free time..since it's a short sem and there are so many public holiday in between tis 7 weeks, you can imagine the workload we have to complete in this short period of time...which also means I should have start working on my assignments and experiments thingy instead of sitting here crapping or Grey's Anatomy-ing.....I screwed up big time last sem and I certainly dun wana struggle again this time around....

anyway, classes were fine so far, course mates are still as psycho as usual plus we merged 2 intakes together so we've got more psychos now but honestly I'd prefer my own offense there =) I just prefer a smaller class...

next week will be kinda busy...busy for assignments, experiment and also busy playing the catching up...lotsa friends to meet and lotsa gatherings will be schedule within the next 2's gonna be a huge challenge how am I gonna allocate the time so that I will be able to take care of everythin im worrying about...hmm i wil figure tat out....

by the way..check this out:

have a nice weekend =)