Fuck It, I'm fabulous!

I stumbled upon this group in facebook and made me LMAO...

the list of why are ladies so fabulous:-
  1. Face it, we're prettier
  2. And even if we're not, we can wear make up, ugly guys will always be ugly
  3. We can get free drinks at the bar, and sometimes we don't even pay cover. How's your bank account boys?
  4. We can show our emotion without looking like a queer.
  5. We don't have something hanging between our legs all the time rubbing against our thighs
  6. If we don't like the way we look, we can get plastic surgery without looking like a queer.
  7. We have better fashion sense. Guys, wearing a hockey jersey as a shirt isn't attractive
  8. So what if it does take 1-2 hours getting ready, we still look hotter than you.
  9. We smell better. It's called Deoderant, look into it.
  10. We're smarter
  11. We can pee sitting down
  12. We have boobs
  13. We get what we want when we cry
  14. We don't have to get our teeth knocked out to settle a fight. We settle arguments like human beings
  15. We know how to dance
  16. When we go on dates, we don't have to pay
  17. We can basically have sex whenever we want. Face it guys, it's easier for us to call you and say "Wanna have sex?" then you call us.
  18. We have more outfit options
  19. Did I say we're hotter?
  20. We're good listeneres and give good advice.
  21. It's so easy to give you guys a boner
  22. We run your show
  23. We get drunk quicker and cheaper
  24. Ya, we get periods but atleast we don't wake up with boners
source taken: Fuck It, I'm Fabulous

and yea..I've straighten my hair........again, it'd been messy and I tak boleh tahan the ridiculous curl and wave and whatsoever u call it everytime after I untie my hair d so.....

nice boh? say nice....!

happee weekend to all =)