Saya anak Malaysia

......yang tak fasih berbahasa melayu....

seriously, my BM is always worse than my english since young..never get an A for BM in my entire life....ok I did actually..during UPSR era =.="

why am I telling you this out of the blue? because a couple of days ago, when I went to the bank and help my mum to settle some payment regarding to her safety box in that bank...and since we moved to this current address 8 years ago she didn't update the new address and new house phone neither her new cell's number and so the bank couldn't reach her at all....and I think they got desperate and they sent a note to the old address hoping that it will reach our hands....fortunate enough that my uncles and grandma and relatives are still there to keep all these important mails for us....

and so the officer was asking me:
officer: sekarang siapa tinggal kat alamat ni? (referring to the old address)
me: (after thinking a while and apparently the question didn't register in my mind) tak tau!
officer: huh? macam mana kamu dapat surat ni?
me: (finally registered) ohh....nenek tinggal kat sana sekarang....

so u takes longer time for me to register what you said in BM!! I actually answered 'TAK TAU' to a simple question like dat wtf! so if not necessary please don't speak malay with will probably get inappropriate reply.....


was talkin to rach and sun today about a movie session next week, and u know what? we have to look at the calendar to decide if we have that leisure time for movie T_T damn sad right? we've got so many things to do....

21st Apr: Communication report
23rd Apr: 16PF report
24th Apr: Brain and Behavior essay

and then we gonna run experiments and research the whole month of May....then have to teach and learn at the same time for psychology of learning and education's assignment....and we damn smart go volunteer in sun med again...
so u see.....where got time for movie? I damn miss oneU d T_T